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Katelynn Hagerla Staff Photo

🎉 Welcome to 6th grade! I am so excited for this school year! This year is definitely not happening the way we planned, but we are going to make it through with plenty of success and strength. 

✏️ In my class, we will be working hard to achieve the goals that we have set. I will encourage students to be productive and work hard with me from start to finish. While we are working hard, the environment I want to create in my classroom is a supportive and calming.

☎️ Communication is incredibly important between parents/guardians and the teacher, and I encourage that if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me. I have multiple ways to get in contact with me, such as, Remind101, email, and phone calls. Having conversations about what your child is learning in school and how they are adjusting to the change of going from Elementary School to Middle School is so important.

I am so excited to get to work with you and your child, and I look forward to meeting everyone! 😊


I am so excited to be working at Bessemer City Middle School this year! I am ready to do the work and make Bessemer City Middle School the Bess! 😜

🎓I graduated from the University of Montevallo with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education with a Collaborative Certificate. This if my first year of teaching, and I am confident that we will succeed together. I am so greatful for the support system I have through BCMS. Just like your children, this is my first year in middle school too, and we will all do the work to achieve our goals.

😃 I have two dogs named Zeppelin (7 mon.) and Zola (4), and they have been a handful this summer. I enjoy reading, taking my dogs for walks, watching movies, and sitting in my hammock on the porch.

I cannot wait for this school year, and for not only me to teach your children, but for them to teach me. It's going to be an amazing year! 🐯