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Teacher Forms
Freckle Assignment Explicit Information February 11 (Vicki Kirk-May) 2/11/2022

Assignment 12 page 26 SQR3 Method (Vicki Kirk-May) 1/20/2022

Assignment 12 SQR3 Method 


Survey: Read the title, headings, captions, etc.

Questions: As you survey ask yourself questions (questions create a purpose for reading)

Read: to find the answers to the questions

Recite:Retell what you have learned. Use a graphic organizer to organize your thoughts

Review: Summarize what you have learned


When you use your graphic organizer for Saving the Rain Forest identify the main idea and supporting details.


Main Idea: What the passage is mostly about

Supporting details:Sentences that support the main idea

Make up work announcement (Vicki Kirk-May) 2/5/2022

Many of you  did not do your Readworks assignment the day I was out and the day you did elearning at home. I have decided to give you an opportunity to turn those assignments in. Please do so by tomorrow. If you made less than a 70% I re-assigned it to you so you can correct your answers. The links are on this platform and google classroom

Notebook check is Monday. This will be the last extension. I will check assignments 9-13. You can look here and on the website for some of the assignments.

Assignment 9 Study guide
Assignment 10 Text Features
Assignment 11 Spelling and Vocab STR
Assignment 12 SQR3 Method
Assignment 13 Video Facts

Readworks assignment elearning day (Vicki Kirk-May) 2/3/2022

Saving the Rain Forest Comprehension question pages 116-117 (Vicki Kirk-May) 1/13/2022

Comprehension questions page 116-117

1. What is a rain forest?

2. What are the 3 types of rain forest?

3. What is a tropical rainforest?

4. What is the largest area of rain forest?

5. Where are tropical rain forest located?

6. What is a cloud forest?

7. How are the trees different in cloud forest than in tropical forests?

8. What are temperate rain forests? 

9. Where are temperate rain forest located?

10. What type of trees do you find in temperate forest

11. In the first sentence, second paragraph on page 116 is it a statement of fact or opinion? Why? 

homework create a folder (Vicki Kirk-May) 1/31/2022

You only should do this if you did not complete it in class on January 31. Follow the steps below

1. Go to your school's google account
2. in the upper right corner click on the grid. It will show the google apps. 
3. Click on the google docs app
4. Click on the blank icon
5. Go to untitled document in the upper left corner and name the document "Test Assignment"
6. Write in the document "What does the heading on page 120 suggest?"
7. Go to file
8. Click on Move
9. Click on the folder icon in  the lower left corner
10. Go to untitled folder and name the folder your first and last name, data binder, and the period you come to me. For example: John Smith data binder 1st period.
11. click the check mark
12. click 'MOVE HERE"
13. go to your googl drive to see if folder is there
14. double click the folder you just created
15. click the arrow by the name of the folder and click "share"
16. put my email address in
17. my name should appear click on it and hit "send"

homework February 7th Drip Dry Argument and Claims (Vicki Kirk-May) 2/7/2022

Complete class assignment Read Drip Dry by Sean Price on pages 132-135. Use the SQR3 strategy. Use a T chart and write Argument on the left and Claims on the right. Write the author's argument and 3 supporting pieces of evidence (claims)

A video has been attached for extra support as you read.

Homework Saving the Rain Forest SQR3 page 12-121 (Vicki Kirk-May) 1/25/2022

Read Saving the Rain Forest page 120-121 Use the SQR3 method. On loose leaf paper write the main idea and 3 supporting details. Turn in tomorrow during class

Research the rain forest in the Amazon (Vicki Kirk-May) 1/20/2022

Research information about the rain forests of the Amazon. Write 10 facts that you learn. Turn in on Monday when you return to school.This assignment is valued at 100 points. It should be written on loose leaf paper. Remember to head your paper . Do not write your assignment on wrinkled up paper.

Assignment 11 page 23-25 Saving the Rain Forest Spelling and Vocabulary (Vicki Kirk-May) 1/11/2022

Difficult Spellings
























1. Basin-all the land drained by a river and streams that flow into it


2. Charities- organizations for helping those in need or the environment

3. Equator- an imaginary circle around the Earth

4. Erosion-process of gradually wearing away by glaciers, running water, waves, or wind

5. Evaporate-change from a liquid to a vapor

6. Exported- sent goods out of the country for sale or use by others

7. Industrial- engaged or connect to business, trade, or manufactured goods

8. Recycled- process so it can be used again

9. Tropics- regions near the equator that are the hottest places on Earth


Don't forget to rate your words. Use a three column chart to do so


Saving the Rain Forest story (Vicki Kirk-May) 11/6/2017

Text Features (Vicki Kirk-May) 12/9/2021