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Tiffany Wilson-Pugh Staff Photo

Ms. Pugh`s Goals For Civics/Geography 

A Teacher

Presents The Past,

Reveals The Present

And Creates

The Future..


In Civics/Geography, Ms. Pugh’s students will learn to think like historians or social scientists. My goal is to assist students in making connections free of prejudice and bias. A second goal is to help my students evaluate how they are similar/different, to/from the individuals being studied.


5 Goals of Civics/Geography 

1. Students should not take all aspects of history at face value. History is told from different points of view (which means things are not always what they seem).


2. Assist students in making Connections (Example – World War I led to World War II).


3. Assist students in placing events in History in Proper Perspective.


4. Assist students in recognizing Cause and Effect.


5. Assist students in making Social Connections.